Picture of Sooahn Shin

Research Interest

  • Political Methodology
  • Causal Inference

Contact Information



Working Papers

Ideal Point Estimation Beyond a Single Dimension
Impact of AI on Human Decisions
Causal Inference Using Panel Data with Missingness

Teaching Fellow

At Harvard, I served as a teaching fellow for PhD-level courses in causal inference, Bayesian statistics, and machine learning, all part of the Government Department Methods Sequence.


  • aihuman (Available on CRAN)

    R package written in Rcpp for an experimental evaluation of causal impacts of algorithmic recommendations on human decisions developed by Imai et al. (JRSS, 2023).
  • issueirt

    R package for issue specific ideal point estimation developed by Shin (working paper). It uses Stan.
  • l1ideal

    R package for ℓ1 norm based multidimensional ideal point estimation developed by Shin et al. (JASA, Forthcoming). It uses multivariate slice sampling for the estimation.