Sooahn Shin
Sooahn Shin
I'm a PhD candidate in the Department of Government at Harvard University and an affiliate of the Institute
for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS). My research interests include political methodology and causal
My current research programs focus on developing methods for (1) measuring ideological scores beyond a single-dimensional scale, (2) assessing decision-making systems with algorithmic recommendations, and (3) addressing bias from missing values when estimating causal effects using panel data.
I recieved the John T. Williams dissertation prize from the Society for Political Methodology for "the best dissertation proposal in the area of political methodology."
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Forthcoming.
(with discussion), Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series A (Statistics in Society), 2023.
Jong Hee Park and
Sooahn Shin
Luigi Curini and Robert Franzese eds., The SAGE Handbook of
Research Methods in Political Science & International Relations, 2020.
Working Papers
Ideal Point Estimation Beyond a Single Dimension
Impact of AI on Human Decisions
Causal Inference Using Panel Data with Missingness
Teaching Fellow
At Harvard, I served as a teaching fellow for PhD-level courses in causal inference, Bayesian statistics, and machine learning, all part of the Government Department Methods Sequence.
Causal Inference with Applications, Fall 2023 [course website]
Applied Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences, Spring 2023 [syllabus]
Data Science for the Social Sciences, Fall 2022 [course
Introduction to Machine Learning, Spring 2022
Causal Inference with Applications, Fall 2021 [section notes]
aihuman (Available on
R package written in Rcpp for an experimental evaluation of causal
impacts of algorithmic recommendations on human decisions developed by Imai et al. (JRSS, 2023).
R package for issue specific ideal point estimation developed by Shin
(working paper). It uses Stan.
R package for ℓ1 norm based multidimensional ideal point
estimation developed by Shin et al. (JASA, Forthcoming). It uses multivariate slice sampling for the